Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CaptainsLog: I gonna vomitttt

How does one reconcile who they are becoming with who they use to be? (april23'rd)
I started working out..I knowww I knowww..I was supposed 2 been start..but classes and bullshit had held me I went 2 riteAid..bought myself some pills.....yes pills..not cause of the fast results but because I want to =)

.....I been eating egg yolks all day and taking the pills (as directed) I just worked out....half hour running......and 2morrow I'll start push-ups and shit....I need to get apart of my old self back in order 2 be ok with the new me I'm trying 2 portray and actually be........

So while on the treadmil (sweating buckets) and looking G☆★D (yeah I think sweat looks go0d..especially on me..long story =) cuz walks in...and says:
"Ughhh your sooo into your self....your not all that"..she also followed it  with a "Eww" and a "you think your gonna look hot?" I never claimed to be an Adonis..but I always thought I was ok in the "looks" department....
.....with that said..I could never pass near a mirror and not look into it......

Some pple STEAL
Others CHEAT
A few are GLUTONS
and Billions are GREEDY.
I guess VANITY is my greatest SIN.

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